


All Cheats

Start the game using the command line parameter +set console 1. Then whilst playing press ~ (Tilde key) and type "cheats on". Then enter any of the following codes:

r_speeds [1 or 0] - Change render speed

r_drawflat [1 or 0] - Flat polygon toggle

r_fullbright [1 or 0] - Toggle lighting

developer [1 or 0] - Game messages toggle

flusmap [1 or 0] - Clean map load/no cache toggle

gl_polylines [1 or 0] - Line drawing toggle (NA on voodoo card)

cam_nextmon - Focus Camera on Next Enemy

screenshot - Take Screenshot

bind [key and command] - Bind command to key

cam_nextsidekick - Toggle sidekicks

connect [server] - Pick active server

map [level name] - Pick level  

god - Invincibility

health #- Health Increased by #

weapon_give_# - Give Weapon # (1-10)

massacre - All enemies on level die

notarget - Invisibility

noclip - No Clipping Mode

cheats 0 - Cheats off

boost acro - Extra acro

boost vitality - Extra vitality

boost all - Extra all

boost attack - Extra attack

boost power - Extra power  

cam_toggle - Cycle 3 Camera Views  

cam_nextmon - Put camera on next monster  

timescale [speed] - Different game speed (1.0 is default)  

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