Access all Weapons

During the game, quickly press, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Down. A message will appear on the screen that says, "Max weapons added....oh yes!" You'll now have a full supply of every single weapon in the game. Note: This code will not work while the game is paused; you must enter it during the action on any stage. Repeat the code when-ever necessary to refill your ammo.


Also during the game, quickly press Left, X, Left, Left, X, Right, X, X. A message will appear on the screen that says "Invincible! Yes indeedy!" Now your tank cannot be harmed. Note: This code will not work while the game is paused.

Level Codes

5. Noddy- Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle

10. Obliterate- Triangle, Triangle, O, Square, X, Square

15. Halls- O, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, 

20. Fort- X, Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square

25. Wild- Triangle, O, Triangle, Triangle, O, Square

30. Air- Square, O, X, O, X, Square

35. Push Off- O, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle

40. Lifts Ahoy- Triangle, X, Triangle, O, Square, X

41. Push Me- O, X, Triangle, O, Triangle, Square

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