


Type these codes in all caps exactly as written: Type CTRL + ALT + X before entering the codes:

I'M THE CEO OF MCDONNELL DOUGLAS - All choppers available in hangar (hit 1-9 to access)

Fly A Commance - Enter the code above and press 1 through 9 in order, then exit the hanger and walk to one side and a green commanche will be waiting

SHIELDS UP - God mode

SUPERPOWERMULTIPLY - Hold down shift while moving to speed up

BEEN THERE, DONE THAT - Ends current level during career games

I LOVE MY HELICOPTER - Returns you to your chopper

THE MAP, PLEASE - Auto-map

GAS DOES GROW ON TREES - Infinite fuel

WARP ME TO CAREER: XX - Where XX is a number 0-30.

RADIOACTIVITY - City goes boom and explodes but it kills sims and you get fined!!

There's no place like home - Go back to the hanger without chopper

A megaphone in the hand is worth two in the bush - Use megaphone outside of copter (F6 - F10)

Give me bucks or give me death: XX       (XX=1-50,000) - Increases money, or kills you  

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