


Various Cheats

impulse 9 - Get all weapons/mana

impulse 14 - Turn yourself into a sheep

impulse 23 - Get Torch

impulse 25 - Get Tome of Power

impulse 39 - Fly mode toggle

impulse 40 - Raise character's level

impulse 43 - Get all weapons/mana/items

impulse 44 - Toss currently selected item

impulse 99 - Restart level

god - God mode

give h xxx - Give youself more health where "xxx" is the amount of health.

noclip - Walk though walls

notarget - Enemies won't attack you unless you attack them first.

kill - Suicide

chase_active 1 - Turns view to chase cam view.

chase_active 0 - Turns view back to regular view.

give health # - Give youself more health. Where "#" is the amount of health.

hexen 2 Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, hexen 2 Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes

hexen 2 Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, hexen 2 Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes
